Mayo Clinic internal medicine board review

This 10th edition, is designed to meet the needs of physicians-in-training and practicing clinicians by updating their knowledge of internal medicine and preparing them for the ABIM certification and maintenance-of-certification examinations in internal medicine. For the 10th edition, contributors were asked to map chapters according to ABIM goals. At least 50 percent of the material will be new, with the remainder changed and updated. The redesign is intended to cover all ABIM goals while streamlining the text to make it more user-friendly. Large chapters have been broken up into smaller content-oriented chapters to facilitate shorter, more focused study opportunities. This book is divided into subspecialty topics (eg, allergy, cardiology, dermatology, etc) and cross-content topics related to general internal medicine (eg, men's health, women's health, geriatrics, etc). Questions and answers have been pulled from the main text to a companion book of Q & As to facilitate study

Includes bibliographical references and index

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