Are you considering withdrawing your U.S. naturalization application?
Naturalization is the pathway to becoming a United States citizen, but sometimes unexpected events or understanding of requirements may lead one to withdraw their application, thereby closing their naturalization case. This article will provide guidance on how this process can be accomplished.
If you are planning to withdraw your naturalization application submitted to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), you’re able to do so in writing (per 8 CFR § 335.10 ). S imply follow these easy steps, and you'll be all set.
1. If your naturalization case has been scheduled for an interview already, write a letter to the USCIS Field Office where your case was scheduled for interview. In the letter, state that you wish to withdraw your naturalization application and provide your full name , address, and Alien Registration Number ( A-Number ).
2. Sign the letter to ensure that it is you, and only you, who has submitted this application. Furthermore, by signing this document, you are declaring your intent to withdraw from said application.
3. Be sure to retain a copy of the letter for yourself and, then, send it by mail to the USCIS Field Office that has your naturalization application. If possible, we at Malakouti Law, also email the letter to the field office director and submit it through the USCIS online system
4. Await Verification. After sending the notification, USCIS will deliver you a notice confirming that your application has been withdrawn. You can expect to receive this statement in the mail at the address stated in your letter.
Note: you can call USCIS’s customer support line at (800) 375-5283 for further guidance.
Withdrawing a U.S. naturalization application can be an unexpectedly lengthy process, based on the USCIS Field Office where it was submitted and their current caseload. At Malakouti Law, we’ve had naturalization withdrawal requests take from two months to eight months. Afterward, you will receive an official confirmation of your withdrawal request being completed.
When the USCIS receives your request letter, they will carefully examine it to guarantee its accuracy and completeness. Afterward, you can expect a written confirmation notice from them within 8-10 months after submission.
If the applicant does not receive confirmation within a reasonable time, they should follow up with the USCIS to ensure their request has been processed.
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Consult with Malakouti Law
If you’re considering withdrawing your U.S. naturalization application, your case may have issues that require the attention of a professional. To book a consultation with Malakouti Law, click here .
We can help you go over your case and identify any issues your case may have, and possible solutions.
Each immigration and citizenship case is particular and you should consult with a qualified, licensed immigration lawyer about your case before taking any steps. The Law Office of Parviz Malakouti does not guarantee the accuracy of information presented nor assume responsibility for actions taken in reliance of this information. The information in this page could become outdated. Attorney marketing.