Persons Over 65 Fee Exemption

If you are 65 years of age or older and registered in University of Toronto Undergraduate Arts and Science programs, you may be eligible for an exemption of compulsory non-academic incidental fees.

Contact your Registrar’s Office to arrange for the exemption of incidental fees before following the steps below to complete your registration.

Steps to Complete Your Registration for Each Session

Step 1:

Contact your Registrar’s Office to request an exemption of compulsory non-academic incidental fees. Otherwise proceed to the next step.

Step 2:

Pay the Minimum Payment to Register amount on your ACORN invoice at your bank or by online bank transfer by the Fall-Winter session Pay or Defer to Register deadline or Summer session Pay or Defer to Register deadline.

Plan sufficient time for your bank to transfer the funds to the University’s bank account by the Minimum Payment to Register deadline, otherwise you may have to show proof of payment in person at the Registrar’s Office to complete your registration and you may be charged a late registration fee. The transfer of funds from major Canadian financial institutions normally takes three to five business days, however the transfer from Canadian credit unions and financial institutions from outside Canada can take much longer.


The recording of the Minimum Payment to Register amount in your student account will change your status from “INVIT”(invited to register) to “REG”(registered) on ACORN. You need to confirm that the status has changed and report any problems to your undergraduate registration office.

After your status has been changed to ‘Registered’ for the Fall-Winter session

Pay the Fall term tuition & non-tuition fee amount by September 30th to avoid monthly service charges at a rate of 1.5% compounded (19.56% per annum) which will be applied against the outstanding account balance beginning as of October 15th and as of the 15th of every month thereafter until the account is paid in full. Calculate the amount of the unpaid Fall term fees on your Fall-Winter session invoice:

Unpaid Fall Term Fee amount = ROSI Account Balance Up to the End of the Session Winter Term TUITION Sub-Total amounts (listed under TUITION CHARGES) Winter Term NON-TUITION Sub-Total amounts (listed under NON-TUITION CHARGES)
(A) (B) (C)

Example: Unpaid Fall Term fee amount = $3,573.31 = $14,450.00 (A)$6,601.50(B)$652.19(B)$3,623.00(C)

ROSI Account Balance Up to the End of the Session: $ 14,450.00 (A) TUITION – UTSC Bachelor of Commerce
2021 Winter Program fee FT - Domestic $ 6,601.50 Winter Term Sub-Total ------------- $ 6,601.50 (B) Incid. Stud.Soc.:U of T Community Radio-UTSC $ 3.75 Winter Term Sub-Total ------------- $ 652.19 (B) NON-TUITION CHARGES 2021 Winter UTSC Apartment Room $ 3,608.00 Scarborough Student Village Council $ 15.00 Winter Term Sub-Total ------------- $ 3,623.00 (C)
  1. Pay for Winter term tuition & non-tuition fees by November 30th to avoid monthly service charges at a rate of 1.5% compounded (19.56% per annum) which will be applied against the outstanding account balance beginning as of December 15th and as of the 15th of every month thereafter until the account is paid in full.
  2. If you do not make full payment of Fall-Winter session fees by April 30 th or Summer session fees by August 31st, you will NOT be eligible to register for the next session.

After your status has been changed to ‘Registered’ for the Summer session

  1. Pay for Summer session tuition & non-tuition fees by May 31st to avoid monthly service charges at a rate of 1.5% compounded (19.56% per annum) which will be applied against the outstanding account balance beginning as of June 15th and as of the 15th of every month thereafter until the account is paid in full.
  2. If you do not make full payment of Summer session fees by the Fall-Winter session Pay or Defer to Register deadline, you will NOT be eligible to register for the next session.
  3. If you do not plan to register for the next session, make full payment of Summer session fees by August 31 st .

Student Accounts
University Registrar’s Office, University of Toronto
172 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5R 0A3


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Temporary Office Closure

Due to flooding at 172 St. George Street, the University Registrar’s Office is closed for in-person inquiries until further notice. Please contact us through the Service Portal or by phone during office hours.

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